Hi All, we are delighted to announce our fundraiser for 24/25. This fundraiser gives you the opportunity to help raise much needed funds for your Club/ Society. How it works is you scan the QR Code or click the link below, which brings you to the fundraising page.  Please state the Club/ Society you are a member of and then if applicable what team within the Club you are part of. Then select how many tickets you would like to purchase and the names of the people who bought the tickets. Closing date is the end of January. 

Men's Rugby Club

SETU Men's Rugby Club

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Men's Rugby Links
About Men's Rugby Club

SETU Men's Rugby is situated in the SETU Arena where WE train and compete weekly. The team is a progressive and continually growing club and aim to compete competively within the college leagues. The Rugby team has been successful in the past years having won both senior and fresher All Ireland Colleges Championships and wishes to continue and further excel in said championships. The rugby team invites new members who are eager to play at a competitive level of rugby and become part of a successful and growing rugby community here in SETU.

Current Committee 0

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